Dev Diary: 24/01/23



Dev Diary: 24/01/23

Just the beginning

We’d like to thank ALL of you for your ongoing support in the last year! We’re looking forward to the year ahead and sharing all of our hard work with you! Here are some updates from our Founder’s David Johansson and Nicky Li!

  • We’ve gone from 1000 to 250k followers in the last 10 months!
  • Our community minted 140k digital assets in Q4 2022!
  • We have 2000+ Alliance Members!
  • BLOCKLORDS got featured in the press 1000+ times!


Development Update: What we achieved in 2022

Implemented the 1st version of our world map and built the settle region process.

When you enter BLOCKLORDS, you’ll be met with bountiful regions to settle into - shack up with friends, guilds, frenemies and live under one Legendary Hero owner who will take the lucrative Lord or Lady role!

BLOCKLORDS Select Region Prototype

Looking for power? Become Lord or Lady of the nation in BLOCKLORDS by importing a Unique, Legendary hero. Rule other live players, control taxes, set bounties on raiders, and hire city guards. Take advantage of the dynasty system and start the game with specialised, and highly-sought stats and traits.


Enriched Farmplay

BLOCKLORDS Farming is the staple gameplay, and where most of you will start the game! Enjoy your farm life as you structure and build over 11 different types of buildings. BLOCKLORDS farmers are YOUR one-way ticket to community-beta! Be a part of the exclusive community-beta of BLOCKLORDS by owning your very own Farmer!

BLOCKLORDS Building Examples

We are also happy to share that we are working on the following items: 

  • 7 different types of Squads: Different squads have different collection utilities and will perform better at different types of tasks on your land!
  • 16 different Command types: From gathering, tending, hunting, and looking after the pigs, you’ll have plenty to keep your squads busy doing!
  • Specialized resource characters: Hunters, Miners, Builders: New farming characters?! BLOCKLORDS will introduce you to specialised farming heroes, who look epic and will boost your squads in their specialty traits!

Miners concept

Hunters Concept

Near complete farm gameplay loop for Sector 1

We have a fully built-out BLOCKLORDS tutorial, where you’ll successfully learn to understand basic gameplay! By completing tasks in your region, you’ll collect might which you can use to level up your Status - by doing this, you’ll unlock gameplay and in-game assets to progress, recruit & manage new types of squads, collect resources and build different buildings.

BLOCKLORDS Status Upgrade

Advanced Squad Command Gameplay

Example: You can recruit a Farmer squad and when ordering them to 'grow wheat', you will face a more complex selection of options to customize your actions and your resource yield results.

Squad UX

Improved Farm Event Gameplay with video story content

Story options will randomly occur throughout your time playing BLOCKLORDS - Certain stats and heroes will unlock specialised choices and options for completion, making the right choices will control the outcome of your event and your yield and buffs!

BLOCKLORDS In Game Event Examples

Implemented City scene

BLOCKLORDS City Hall Screen

  • Players can access City Hall and check tax rate setting for the whole region
  • Players can access Marketplace and trade between different resources.
  • Hero game import and export supported on IMX testnet. (test networks)
  • Token import and export supported on Goerli testnet. (test networks)


What we’re looking forward to in 2023

We want you to watch our journey in real time, and so we plan on writing plenty more Dev Diarys and organising AMAs!

There's a rumour spreading through the kingdom that we’ll We'll be attending lots of events and dropping In-depth information on Heroes, Squads, Farm & City game play, adventure mode, community-beta Game play, and more. Make sure to follow us on all socials to keep up to date with our every move.

The First Early Access version will only be available to player who owns a BLOCKLORDS Hero NFT, so get BLOCKLORDS HEROES now.

[This is still a test version and things are subject to change]

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